Monday, February 28, 2011

We Get Down

RAD OMEN - "Rad Anthem" from Nicholaus Goossen on Vimeo.

What happens when the mascots of various fast food restaurants get together? They go out and get fucked up that’s what! Weed, cocaine, shots, strippers! It’s all just an average night for Ronald and co…

“Born out of the mouths of wolves and serpents. Raised up by degenerates and whores in the gutters of your forgotten cities.

Among the spawn of your outcast, your rebuked, your lepers. Breaking bread with gangsters, hustlers, real motherfuckers.

Scorned by your fearful leaders, and your simple masses. Bearing no marking, no number, no names.

Only one sign, the Rad Omen.

For we are many, for we are many”.

This has been a favorite for almost a year, and the music video is insane to boot. Grab this now.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

IDMf019: When Power Stars Collide – Attraction to Light

When Power Stars Collide - Attraction To Light ALBUM

Genre: Melodic IDM

Swift chromatic melodies and bright harmonics are a defining feature to Attraction to Light, When Power Stars Collide’s debut album on IDMf. Layered across glitchy rhythms, it echoes the melodic IDM spirit of Benn Jordan and the like, rounding out an album full of as much color as the cover suggests.

When Power Stars Collide is one of the youngest new artists on the IDMf Netlabel.

01 As You Grow Taller (1:45)
02 The Rabbit And The Rose Basket (4:00)
03 MOOOOO))) (1:47)
04 Puddle Step Rain Dance (3:29)
05 What I Hoard (3:13)
06 Reply To Robert Cook (0:51)
07 Ascension Island (Breakneck Valley) (3:21)
08 Small Wings Unfolding (4:48)
09 Sombre (3:12)
10 Augment (4:57)
11 The Gift You Left Us (3:58)
12 I Love You, Buddy (0:48)
All music by When Power Stars Collide
Cover art by Fiona Boylen
Mastered by Ben Walthew
A Creative Commons release.

Drop Of Blue

The sixteenth installment in the ever-expanding IDMf library is Vetrix’s Drop of Blue, a melodic ocean of IDM-style clicks and beeps, lush arps and unique, syncopated rhythms. Any listener who appreciates intricate musical details and post-90s IDM will get a kick or five out of this release.

It Flickers Between The Endless

Wisp is the alias of electronic music artist Reid Dunn who hails from Niagara Falls, New York. Wisp began making music on his computer in 1999 and originally released his music for free as mp3s on Netlabels before being signed to Sublight Records. In December 2007 he was signed to Benn Jordan's Alphabasic label. In March 2008 it announced that he had been signed to Rephlex Records.

Wisp - We Miss You (2010) ALBUM

Download this now! ^^^

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Sorry for no updates past few days. Here's a great album I've been listening to the past few weeks.

Casual Tea - Longwalkshortdock

He's also a regular at Shambhala and MotionNotion, so hopefully I'll get to see a live show. :)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Arabesque (Original Mix) - Chymera

This track is Produced in 2007 by relatively unknown producer Chymera, this track is just awesome.